March 21, 2024
History repeats itself…
Local news from Washington state reported “A married nurse practitioner is accused of forcing abortion pills inside his girlfriend, who was also one of his patients, after she got pregnant.
“David Benjamin Coots is charged with assault in the second degree, rape in the third degree, witness tampering and five violations of court orders….”
Unwilling fathers trying to kill the baby and sometimes the mother are nothing new as FFL President Serrin Foster testified in support of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.
She asked: “What is the appropriate response to a woman who has lost her unborn child due to an assault that she survived? What is the appropriate response to survivors when an assault takes the lives of both a pregnant woman and the child she carries?
“Sarah Norton, an early American feminist who was the first woman to seek admission to Cornell University, asked this question more than a century ago. Speaking of the then-common situation in which an unwilling father attempted to kill an unborn child, she asked,

‘Had the scheme been successful in destroying only the life aimed at, what could have been the man’s crime—and what should be his punishment if, as accessory to one murder he commits two?” (Woodhull and Claflin’s Weekly, November 19, 1870)
Serrin continued, “But when a woman has this right taken away from her due to violence that kills the fetus in her womb, she needs and deserves the support of those on both sides of the abortion debate, those who support women’s rights. It is also worthwhile to note that outside the context of abortion, unborn children are often recognized as persons who warrant the law’s protection.”
Pro-life attorneys are asking the Supreme Court to affirm the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s decision holding that the FDA acted unlawfully by removing its original safety standards which included doctors’ visits to check for ectopic pregnancies, severe bleeding, and life-threatening complications. Additionally, they are asking to restore reporting requirements so women are better informed about the serious risks associated with abortion drugs which has resulted in the deaths of women as well as its intended target—unborn human beings in their first weeks of life.

Help us spread the news that there are resources and support available so women don’t have to turn to chemical abortion. Share our helpsite Women Deserve Better with everyone you know.

Because women deserve better,
Joyce McCauley-Benner
Director of Public Education