Perhaps you are a small business owner committed to creating a family-friendly workplace. You know that an investment in your employees is an investment in the future of your business.
Maybe you are a specialist in human resources. You know how much it costs to hire and train new employees. When you have someone who is great at her job, you want to keep her.
Maybe you are a prospective employee considering the best match for you. Or you are an employee who wants to better advocate for yourself or others.
What affordable solutions can you bring to your place of employment? If employees can work from home, you know it will save on company expenses. And with today’s technology, this scenario is possible in many fields. You can help the employer and employee make telecommuting a win-win situation.
Obviously, Fortune 500 companies and other large employers usually offer many more benefits than small ones. But medium-sized companies and small employers can and should be supportive.
Feminists for Life’s Pregnancy Resource SurveySM helps students and administrators evaluate how well colleges and universities meet the needs of pregnant and parenting students, birthmothers and their own employees.
In 2011, FFL introduced a similar measurement tool to the workplace.
Start by reading the articles in this section of our website, and then take FFL’s Workplace Inventory to be sure your workplace has covered the basics. Stretch to put your pro-woman, pro-family beliefs into practice. Go to your boss with proposals, including ways you can help make your ideas work for the business as well as for caregivers. Or if you are the boss, go to your employees for ideas and be open to solutions that come to you.
We love our work, but we don’t live to work. We work to live. Our families are the priority, and it’s a constant balancing act. FFL is raising expectations, and with your support and active participation, we are doing our best to exceed them.
Because Women Deserve Better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
• Avoiding the Parent Trap: Protecting Yourself from Pregnancy Discrimination
• Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act
• Finding a Place for Adoption
• Keeping Mommy on the Tenure Track
• Shifting the Balance: Kellogg’s Six-Hour Workday