Feminists for Life is dedicated to bringing peace to America’s painful, decades-long abortion conflict.
“Since 1973, it’s been the same thing. One side of the hotly contested abortion wars yells, ‘What about the woman?’ Instead of yelling back, ‘What about the baby?’ Feminists for Life answers the question,” says FFL President Serrin Foster. “It’s hard to talk when there’s all that distance.”

These and many more questions are addressed in the UPDATED “Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice QuestionsTM” which is included in all Welcome and Welcome Back Kits.
To bridge the gap between both sides of the abortion debate, Feminists for Life offered a first-ever e-course, Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice QuestionsTM.
For years, Feminists for Life has been redirecting the debate by working with those on both sides to address the root causes that drive women to abortion, and by answering the critical questions in the most contentious places — from Capitol Hill to college campuses.

“We have an independent streak. When Planned Parenthood’s former research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, revealed the long list of reasons that were cited by women who had abortions — primarily lack of resources and support — we said this is our task list. Abortion is a reflection that we haven’t met the needs of women, and women deserve better,” says Foster, who answered the questions each week.
FFL’s web campaign was aimed at reaching “everyday people whose lives have been touched by the topic you can’t bring up in polite conversation as well as those who influence lives every day through their work — such as policymakers, educators, health professionals, and employers. Women — including those who have had abortions — as well as men are welcome at this feminist table.”

Some of you have asked how to respond if a reporter approaches you. Go for it! Here are FFL’s pro-woman, pro-life talking points. Most important, remember the woman as well as the child. Refuse to choose. Women deserve better!
Click on the questions below to read FFL President Serrin Foster’s answers:
- Can you really be a feminist and pro-life?
- What about rape? What if it was your daughter who was raped?
- What about “the life of the mother”?
- What if her partner, friends or family have abandoned her? Or what if she is poor?
- What if she just doesn’t want it?
- If you don’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?
- So you believe that a tiny speck — a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus — has rights over a woman?
- Isn’t feminism about a woman having rights equal to those of a man?
- What about all those kids in foster care that nobody wants?
- Disability — what if the fetus is or could be disabled?