Our Mission
Feminists for Life of America recognizes that abortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women. We are dedicated to systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion — primarily lack of practical resources and support — through holistic, woman-centered solutions. Women deserve better® than abortion.
Our Vision
Feminists for Life is a renaissance of the original American feminism. Like Susan B. Anthony and other early American suffragists, today’s pro-life feminists envision a better world in which no woman would be driven by desperation to abortion:
- A world in which pregnancy, motherhood, and birthmotherhood are accepted and supported.
- Campuses and workplaces that support mothers in practical ways and do not force them to choose between their education or career plans and their children.
- A society that supports the role of mothers, values the role of fathers, and helps parents provide both financial and emotional support for their children.
- A culture in which parents are respected, whether they decide to stay at home or return to work.
“Women Deserve Better” means before and after birth.
“Sweeter even than to have had the joy of caring for children of my own has it been to me to help bring about a better state of things for mothers generally, so that their unborn little ones could not be willed away from them.”
–Susan B. Anthony
Organizational Description
Established in 1972, Feminists for Life of America is a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, grassroots organization that seeks real solutions to the challenges women face. Our efforts are shaped by the core feminist values of justice, nondiscrimination, and nonviolence. Feminists for Life of America continues the tradition of early American feminists such as Susan B. Anthony, who opposed abortion.
Our Work
As Feminists for Life, we are motivated to free women from abortion through resources and support.
- We have worked for low-income women. We have worked to reduce poverty among women and children, to prevent coerced abortions due to threats to withhold child support, and to encourage the active support of fathers in the lives of their children.
- We have worked to prevent violence against women, including pregnant women.
- We have worked to protect women from being forced into unwanted abortions.
- We have led the revolution on campus through FFL’s College Outreach Program, which strives to meet the needs of college-aged women, the demographic that has the highest rate of abortion. Since the FFL College Outreach Program began in 1994, there has been a dramatic 30 percent decrease in abortions among college-educated women.
We believe that education is the key to fighting the feminization of poverty.
Most abortions are performed on the poor or working poor, almost half of whom are college-aged. FFL Pregnancy Resource ForumsSM on campuses across the country led to the creation of the U.S. Pregnancy Assistance Fund which will, in part, help transform campuses in support of pregnant and parenting students, as well as birthmothers.
We advocate for workplace solutions that benefit both the employee and the employer.
We have educated pro-life and feminist movements about our rich, pro-life feminist history.
Our message that “Women Deserve Better than Abortion” is redirecting the polarized debate toward holistic, woman-centered solutions.