May 7, 2024

Action Alert: Tell the Senate: Families need the Child Tax Credit!

Time is running out for families struggling to put food on the table and pay the rent and utilities. These aren’t luxuries. These are necessities

Contact your senators and ask them to urge Senator Schumer to bring the expanded Child Tax Credit to the floor for a vote. Half a million children could be lifted out of poverty by its passage.

The House did their part with bi-partisan support. With your help, we can pressure the Senate to do theirs!!

Please call or email your U.S. Senator and urge her/him to pass the expanded Child Tax Credit. Call the United States Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 or find her/him online at to send an email.

Tell them struggling families need the expanded Child Tax Credit. Women deserve better than being forced to choose between food or a place to live. Put CTC to a vote NOW!

And don’t forget, women in need can go to for practical tips and locating resources.

Let’s get this done in advance of Mother’s Day!

Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster

P.S. Check out our new totes—perfect for packing diapers and other needs!