Share the good news: Women Deserve Better than Abortion!
Download and Post or Print FFL’s Powerful, Striking and Free Ads
- Post our ads in your community and around campus.
- Use them as flyers at your table or FFL Rally for Resources.
- Have them printed in local and campus newspapers, and magazines to which you subscribe.
- Offer them to your local religious congregation for an insert in their bulletin.
Women Deserve Better
Click on the images below to download and share!
Help promote WomenDeserveBetter.com with the following ads! Please go here for more great ways to help promote this valuable resource for women!

Susan B. Anthony “anti-choice fanatic” ad will draw the reader in with a sense of humor. Download this for FREE (6MB PDF file) and post it on campus, your community, and publications!
College Outreach Program Ads
Click on the images to see a larger version and download them. All of these posters are 8.5 by 11 (Letter) sized and black and white.
Feminists for Life High-Resolution Placards
Download and print Feminists for Life’s placard design (note: It is designed for 18 in by 22 in placard. It should be adaptable to any size in that ratio.) for use at pro-woman, pro-life gatherings or as a poster (please read the guidelines).