On the occasion of Susan B. Anthony’s birthday on February 15, we posted Part 1 of FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s landmark speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion.”
Now, as we approach Women’s History Month in March, Feminists for Life of America is pleased to announce our First Wave Feminist History Course!
Throughout the celebration next month — and beyond — we will reveal an article and then series of pop quizzes, mostly multiple choice along with a few short writing assignments, designed by our Editor and Director of Public Education (aka our Quizmaster Extraordinaire), Damian J. Geminder.

FFL is making feminist history fun and factual, teaching you what you likely didn’t know about our feminist foremothers and forefathers — of all backgrounds — while also highlighting our pro-life creds.
This is a great tool for homeschoolers, boarding schools, colleges and college preparatory schools, parochial schools, public schools — and just for fun for the rest of us!
Pro-life groups in high schools and on campus are strongly encouraged to share this NEW tool.
(And don’t forget, thanks to our supporters, FFL is offering FREE kits for high school and collegiate pro-life groups. Send your request in NOW to FFL to get yours in time for Women’s History Month!)
The correct answers to quiz questions will be revealed as you fill in the answers for instant reinforcement.
Our course goes far beyond the minimum curriculum requirements for Common Core, Standards of Learning, the Board of Regents, or other state requirements.
Please share and like on your social media!
Also upcoming: Serrin will kick off Women’s History Month on Monday, March 1, at University of Michigan Law School…

…followed by FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner‘s presentation for Heartbeat International Academy on Tuesday, March 2…

…and Serrin will speak once again at Providence College on Thursday, March 4, as part of our Trilogy Tour: three speakers at Providence this year thanks to our intern and student leader, Grace Berning!

Also plan to hear FFL Speaker Cynthia J. Wood, J.D. at the Heartbeat International Conference, in Columbus, Ohio, and the Pro-Life Women’s Conference, in Memphis, Tennessee, later this year!

March forth!

Because women deserve better,
Kara A. Sorenson
Chair of the Board
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. To book me or any of our other pro-woman, pro-life FFL Speakers, please contact us at info@feministsforlife.org. Stay well!