UPDATE: The status of the stimulus bill is unsure at this time for reasons other than the pro-life provisions. Stay tuned…
Despite much controversy surrounding the content of the approximately 5,600 pages of the latest coronavirus stimulus bill, there is very good news: All longstanding pro-life appropriations protections were retained. Check out a few highlights:
- Extension of public health programs includes pro-life protections: This bill extends funding for Community Health Centers, National Health Service Corps, and Teaching Health Centers through fiscal year 2023.
- COVID-19 relief funding contains Hyde protections!
- Planned Parenthood businesses are still not eligible for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.
- Ban on FDA approval for the creation or genetic modification of human embryos.
- Ban on abortion funding for federal prisoners — and conscience protection for prison employees.
- Ban on using appropriated funds (federal or D.C. revenues) for abortion in the District of Columbia.
- Provides conscience protection for health care entities by preventing HHS funding recipients from discriminating against health care providers because they refuse to provide, pay for, or refer for abortion.
- Ban on federal funding of harmful human embryo research.

Advocates for women and children can be encouraged that this bill does not expand support for abortion and continues enforcement of pro-life protections that are already law.
This has received overwhelming support from Congress, across the political aisle and ideological divide. As we end 2020, this is BIG, good news.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist