“Feminists for Life of America supports Sen. Ben Sasse’s efforts to have the Department of Justice investigate Pornhub,” announced FFL President Serrin M. Foster. “Furthermore, we are asking that all credit card companies remove their cards from the website. By taking money, they are complicit in rape, including child rape, gang rape, and rape of women and children who are unconscious. It is ruining the lives of these girls and women. Women fear finding a job or even having children. A number of the victims are suicidal. We have the power to help stop this violence, this exploitation, this trafficking.”
Sensitive readers be warned that the following paragraphs describe graphic depictions of sexual assault:
Pornhub attracts 3.5 billion visits a month. According to The New York Times, the site “is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags. A search for ‘girls under18′ (no space) or ’14yo’ leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Most aren’t of children being assaulted, but too many are.”
The author continues, “I came across many videos on Pornhub that were recordings of assaults on unconscious women and girls. The rapists would open the eyelids of the victims and touch their eyeballs to show that they were nonresponsive
“Pornhub profited this fall from a video of a naked woman being tortured by a gang of men in China. It is monetizing video compilations with titles like ‘Screaming Teen,’ ‘Degraded Teen’ and ‘Extreme Choking.’ Look at a choking video and it may suggest also searching for ‘She Can’t Breathe’….
“Executives of Pornhub appear in the past to have assumed that they enjoyed immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects internet platforms on which members of the public post content.”
Twenty members of the Canadian Parliament have called on their government to crack down on Pornhub, which is effectively based in Montreal, in addition to Sen. Sasse’s call for a federal investigation here in the United States.
There is a victory, however, to report. On Friday, as we were writing this call to action, both Mastercard and Visa announced that they have officially terminated the use of their cards on Pornhub. The companies join PayPal, which divested from the site last year, and American Express, whose company policy prohibits the card from being used on “digital adult content websites.”
This leaves Discover as the sole major credit card available on Pornhub.
TAKE ACTION TODAY: Contact Discover (especially if you are a cardholder), and contact your representative and senators to tell them to support investigating Pornhub.

In addition, if you and/or someone you know is in danger of being trafficked, please know that there are resources.
Women Deserve Better Expert Joyce McCauley-Benner‘s article, “How to Get Help If You Are Being Trafficked,” is one of the more than 230 articles on WomenDeserveBetter.com designed to help women WORK, LEARN, LIVE, and LOVE better. There is hope, and there is help.
Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. To have Joyce present her speech, “Slaves Among Us: Sex Trafficking in the U.S.” at your next virtual or in-person event, as well as “Victory Over Violence,” per personal story of discovering she was pregnant after rape and not knowing who the father was, contact us today.