What are your favorite free and frugal resources for pregnant women, expectant parents and birthmothers?
Calling all parents, birthmothers, counselors (on campus, chaplains, pregnancy resource center volunteers and staff, etc.), grandparents, and other caregivers to give us the MOST helpful suggestions you can contribute to our next FABULOUS issue of The American Feminist!
FFL is updating our famed national directory of free and frugal support and creative ideas, “Raising Kids on a Shoestring.”
We want your ideas for free, frugal and creative resources to help pregnant women, expectant fathers, parents–including those seeking to adopt and those with special needs babies–and birthmothers.
This directory is going to be the best ever–a key tool used by pregnancy resource centers and something we will share again with Students for Life at the national and campus levels!
Email editor@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me your favorite ideas! We need listings that you think particularly helpful in the areas:
*healthcare including pregnancy, delivery and postpartum care,
*help for birthmothers,
*child care,
*food and nutrition including infant feeding recommendations,
*housing, furnishings and utilities,
*living green and saving green,
*education (for parents but also for growing children),
*raising teens,
*legal assistance, and
*money management.
No need to rename any resources in our last issue, Raising Kids on a Shoestring, including national pregnancy resource centers. We are looking for new and fresh ideas and links to great websites that meet the needs of those we serve!
If you missed our last email, we are still looking for a few volunteer writers for some remaining articles. Please email editor@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me as soon as possible to express your interest and attach a writing sample.
Either way, be sure to join FFL or donate now ($35 minimum except for students $25) to see if your idea makes it into the next great issue of The American Feminist! www.feminitsforlife.org/support.
Because women deserve better,
Editorial Board
The American Feminist
Feminists for Life of America is a nonsectarian, nonpartisan 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For more information, go to https://feministsforlife.org/support/
Women Deserve Better is a registered trademark of Feminists for Life of America.
www.feministsforlife.org and www.facebook.com/www.feministsforlife.org
Kids on a Shoestring was an earlier iteration of our helpsite Women Deserve Better. Learn more about Women Deserve Better at womendeservebetter.com