
Apply for FFL internships (and FREE kits) NOW…

This weekend marks the beginning of spring, and with it, we announce our annual summer internship program! We need capable, passionate, pro-woman, pro-life interns. Read on to see if this might be the right fit for you — and us: FFL summer interns research, write, and edit for projects like our website and helpsite, our Girls Deserve Better™ campaign, our College Outreach Program, […]

Apply for FFL internships (and FREE kits) NOW… Read More »

Step 1: Ratification. Step 2: Our work NOW.

Today, we celebrate the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, led by great pro-life feminists starting with the mother of the women’s movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and suffrage organizer and pro-life feminist publisher Susan B. Anthony, to Alice Paul, who lead the final years of a 72-year-long effort marked by magnificent suffrage parades —

Step 1: Ratification. Step 2: Our work NOW. Read More »