
Celebrating the 2020, every day of the year…

On the heels of Tuesday’s announcement of the 2020 March for Life theme, Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman, Feminists for Life is proud to announce our 2020 Centennial Celebration calendar! After Alice Paul told our co-founder Pat Goltz that we were not the first feminists for life, our ORIGINAL research into historical documents first uncovered our feminist foremothers’ pro-woman, pro-life philosophy (plus, […]

Celebrating the 2020, every day of the year… Read More »

Celebrating the 99th anniversary of the 19th Amendment!

Celebrating the 99th anniversary of the 19th Amendment! Today, as we commemorate Women’s Equality Day, we invite you to read (and share!) FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s op-ed in the Washington Examiner, where she reflects on our feminist foremothers’ pro-woman, pro-life legacy: A constitutional anniversary for our pro-life foremothers On August 26, the 99th anniversary

Celebrating the 99th anniversary of the 19th Amendment! Read More »