“The wheel is a big one, and needs a strong push,
and a push all together, giving to it an impulse that will keep it constantly revolving,
and the first revolution must be Female Suffrage…”
“God speed the time, for the sake of the babies.
Little ones will then be welcome…”
—“What Will Become of the Babies” by Eleanor Kirk, 1868
Year-End 2021

It has been quite a year. Despite numerous challenges, you and others who are devoted to those we serve — women and children at highest risk of abortion and future leaders of our country — have made the crucial difference.
With your support, we have been able to launch our new Girls Deserve Better™ campaign to let teens know that they are Forever Priceless℠. Look for our new video, “Know Your Worth,” by FFL Speaker Cynthia J. Wood, J.D.!
We continue to share our message that Women Deserve Better® than Abortion and advocate woman-centered solutions on campus.
Our WomenDeserveBetter.com helpsite once again reached over 125,000 pregnant women and primary caretakers this year.

Still, we are faced with the most challenging Congress ever that, with a slim but powerful majority, sadly supports abortion. This fall, the U.S. House passed the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” which would, if passed by the Senate, overturn ALL restrictions on abortion. Right now, we believe that there is one senator who has stopped this vote from going to the floor, but it is way too close!
Meanwhile, we are supporting the efforts by the Mississippi attorney general to finally convince the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson to stop underestimating women! Women can still read, write, and think when pregnant. Women are not suddenly incompetent.
FFL is also stepping up by offering help to pregnant women in Texas, following a new law that allows anyone to sue an abortion provider after the unborn baby reaches six weeks. We are stepping up by offering creative strategies to meet the needs of women on campus by working with local pro-life groups, starting with Boots on the Ground conference in Austin.

And between great hope and frightening challenges, we are preparing for Feminists for Life’s 50th Birthday Celebration!

The celebration begins with our year-end issue of The American Feminist® titled “Sheer Joy.” This collection of uplifting stories from our supporters will be submitted to our archives at the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Harvard University. After reading mostly negative stories about motherhood at this most prestigious archive, researchers will finally read the joy children bring!
And an expanded version of “Sheer Joy” will be online in the new year as we continue to celebrate life — and you are invited to contribute by emailing us your story, hopefully with photos!
And as eager as I am for you to read the hilarious and tender stories of our supporters and the children who brought them “Sheer Joy,” I am equally excited for you to receive, this spring, the commemorative issue celebrating FFL’s 50-year anniversary!
As we enter a dynamic 2022 preparing for the solemn 49th commemoration of Roe v. Wade, and facing many new challenges and opportunities, we need to make a “strong push, and a push all together” as we reach another generation.

Therefore, I ask for your most generous support. To lead these efforts:
- the Board and Friends are matching your single year-end gift,
- another group of Feminists for Life supporters will double-match your new or increased MONTHLY gift,
- and corporate matches double your gift yet again!
This year, I am most grateful for my family, my Board, staff, volunteers, interns — and donors like you who make great sacrifices for the most vulnerable among us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Because women — and girls — deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist

P.S. Read the President’s Report here covering our legislative. College Outreach Program, Girls Deserve Better campaign, media coverage, and more — thanks to you! Just think: We hope that by next year, Roe is behind us. Yes, we’ll have other challenges state by state, but we could be closer to ending this national tragedy!
P.P.S. Help us get 2022 off to a great start as we celebrate our 50th Birthday by reaching the hearts and minds of teens and collegians, and work for holistic, woman-centered solutions — knowing every human being is Forever Priceless.