March 16, 2022

Celebrate FIFTY years of FFL…

Fifty years ago today, Pat Goltz and the late Cathy Callaghan announced to the world the formation of a pro-woman, pro-life organization: Feminists for Life. Although they did not initially realize that they were not the first pro-life feminists — the suffragists beat them to it by more than a century! — the birth of FFL was a key turning point in the women’s movement and launched a half-century of education and advocacy for the most vulnerable.

To mark FFL’s 50th Birthday, we are proud to announce the latest issue of The American Feminist“Feminists for Life at Fifty.”

Read the announcement that started it all! Pat and Cathy were interviewed by The Columbus Citizen-Journal, a now-defunct Ohio newspaper, about the founding of FFL. Now, thanks to a deep dive into the U.S. National Archives by our intrepid researcher, Colette Moran, this article will be available for you to read.

Although FFL co-founder Cathy Callaghan is no longer with us, Pat Goltz is. In this FFL exclusive, learn more about the woman whose passion for women’s equality and the protection of children, born and unborn, led to the creation of FFL, as well as more details about her conversation with pro-life suffrage leader Alice Paul!

We’ve done a lot in 50 years (really, like, a lot), and we have joyfully documented it. Check out highlights of the accomplishments, events, and other milestones that made FFL the internationally recognized pro-woman, pro-life institution we are today.

Most of all, feel good about the impact you have made in this world.

In addition, this commemorative issue also features:

  • campuses where FFL has engaged in pro-woman, pro-life outreach to the next generation of activists (see below to learn how to add yours!);
  • stories from supporters like you, in which they discuss how they discovered and came to be involved with FFL;
  • and finally, a special thank you from FFL President Serrin M. Foster.

Please, don’t miss out on this beautiful edition of The American FeministMake sure your support is current so that you will be guaranteed to receive your copy this spring!

And if your support is already current, we humbly request you consider giving FFL a 50th Birthday gift today. Whether it’s $5, $50, or $500, please know that your support is what enables us to do our good work on behalf of the most vulnerable, so that 50 years from now, our successors will look back and say, “This was the group of feminists who stood up for women and children. This was the group of feminists who led the renaissance of the vision of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul. This was the group of feminists who worked to make abortion unthinkable.”

May we see the end of Roe by this June, as we turn our attention to the states, and continue our advocacy and service for those at highest risk.

Thank you. March forth!

Because women — and girls — deserve better,

Damian J. Geminder
Director of Public Education & Editor
Feminists for Life of America

P.S. Let’s keep 50 years of momentum going! To book any of our pro-woman, pro-life FFL Speakers for your next in-person or virtual event, please contact us at