On the heels of Tuesday’s announcement of the 2020 March for Life theme, Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman, Feminists for Life is proud to announce our 2020 Centennial Celebration calendar!

After Alice Paul told our co-founder Pat Goltz that we were not the first feminists for life, our ORIGINAL research into historical documents first uncovered our feminist foremothers’ pro-woman, pro-life philosophy (plus, our proven ability to decipher their often-flowery Victorian language!), and we could not be more excited to share this beautiful compilation of first wave feminists.
We encourage you to order early. Unlike our evergreen issues of The American Feminist, this special-edition calendar is a once-in-a-century chance to start the conversation about our feminist foremothers — and it just plain looks great hanging in your dorm room, office, classroom, or home!
For $35, you will immediately be subscribed to The American Feminist and receive our most recent issue, “Breaking Barriers” (read more below).

For $50, you will receive a new Welcome Kit — or Welcome Back Kit — including “First Wave Feminists” and “Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice Questions™”! If you donate now, or become a new monthly donor, you will receive our most recent issue, “Breaking Barriers,” PLUS the calendar and our Spring/Summer 2020 issue.
On the eve of the 2020 Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment, and as we gear up for January’s many Roe events from coast to coast, we ask you to prepare now by making a generous tax-deductible gift.
Our advocacy for the most vulnerable is only made possible because of our supporters’ generosity, and with all of these great deals, why not treat yourself (or a friend, or both) as you help others?
Thank you.
Because women deserve better,
Damian Geminder
Communications Coordinator & Editor
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. Please contact me to book your next FFL Speaker or Pregnancy and Parenting Resource ForumSM Moderator for your campus, pregnancy resource center, right-to-life, or diocesan respect life event. We are getting booked up fast!