Congratulations, Minnesota!

September 19, 2011

Congratulations to Minnesota colleges receiving grant funds to create and improve services for pregnant and parenting students! These funds originate in the Pregnancy Assistance Fundinspired by the work of Feminists for Life’s College Outreach Program, especially FFL Pregnancy Resource Forums.

FFL is ready to help Minnesota schools now! Administrators should contact

FFL speakers have visited Minnesota many times, including Serrin Foster’s speaking engagements at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Minnesota State University last November and an earlier Pregnancy Resource Forum at U of M Duluth. FFL speakers have also visited St. Catherine University, University of St. Thomas, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, and Winona State University.

Here’s what Minnesota students had to say about Serrin’s speech in November 2010:

“I really enjoyed this presentation and appreciated that finally someone was embracing this issue from a viewpoint that not only supports both women and children, but will target the root cause, rather than simply the political and legal manifestations of this societal flaw.”

-Jacqueline Caston, University of Minnesota

“The information on the original feminist history was riveting, as I had not heard those facts before.”

-Trisha Becker, Minnesota State University