Dads powerfully speak out about fatherhood to Laura Ricketts for WomenDeserveBetter.com:
Fatherhood is a powerful thing. There is nothing quite like knowing that there is a tiny human being who is counting on you for his or her safety, security, example, and love. In honor of June being the month of Father’s Day, we spoke to a few seasoned dads about what they wish they had known about fatherhood before becoming fathers, and what they wished their wives knew about the awesome (and sometimes daunting!) reality of being a new dad! We hope that hearing from fathers just like you will give you even more confidence in your own fatherhood. You are not alone, Dad, and you’ve GOT THIS!
Q: What did you wish you knew about fatherhood before becoming a dad?
Q: What did you wish your wife understood about new fatherhood after your first child was born?
Read the answers here.
Laura will be one of the presenters at the Pro-Life Women’s Conference. FFL President Serrin Foster (who will kick off the conference with a new speech, “End the Feminization of Poverty That Drives Women to Abortion!”) and FFL National Operations Coordinator and new FFL Speaker Cynthia Wood (who will present “Find Your Assertive Voice: Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment”) are looking forward to hearing Laura present “Pregnancy Loss: Hope, Healing, and How to Help” and “You’re Not Alone: The Reality of Birth Trauma.”
True feminism champions equality, not putting women first over men or their children. Feminists for Life welcomes men. We honor and support fathers as well as mothers who are in school, in the workplace, and at home.
We wish all the dads who are present in the lives of their children the very best Father’s Day. And we also remember those who have passed. For those who have lost their relationships with their children, we wish you a path that reunites you in the best possible manner and good outcomes for all.
Because women deserve better,
Damian J. Geminder
WomenDeserveBetter.com Editor and Media Coordinator
P.S. If you wish to make a gift in tribute or memory of your father, or anyone else, you may do so here. Thank you for supporting our work for women, children, and yes, expectant fathers and dads.