Damian J. Geminder serves as Editor of Feminists for Life of America’s magazine, The American Feminist®, and our online resource, WomenDeserveBetter.com. As Director of Public Education, he also coordinates all social media and media requests. A former FFL intern—who now supervises our interns—he worked on FFL’s Annual Capitol Hill Intern Briefing and various print and online publications. Damian continued to serve as a volunteer on the editorial board for FFL’s magazine and led the tweetfest during a debate at the Yale Political Union that resolved, “Pro-life is pro-woman.” Shortly thereafter, he joined FFL’s staff on Susan B. Anthony’s 196th birthday, 2016. Damian holds a bachelor’s in communications from Adelphi University and a master’s in journalism from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.
Hear what they’re saying about “Why Men Should Be Feminists for Life!”

Damian added a much-needed perspective to our panel discussion. His remarks were insightful and informative. Having a man make the case for life from a feminist perspective showed that being pro-woman and pro-life are indeed complementary, not contradictory. I would gladly recommend him for future speaking events.
—Marc Ang, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA (November 2019)