How may I donate to Feminists for Life?
You may donate online using a credit card by clicking here or donate by mail by printing out the membership form and sending it with a check or money order to: Feminists for Life, PO Box 151567, Alexandria, VA 22315.
Can I donate in someone else’s name?
We encourage that! Follow the instructions on our donate page and be sure to include the recipient’s mailing address. We will send a letter announcing your gift with the first issue of The American Feminist. (They cannot be anonymous.) If you have any questions or concerns, email us at info@feministsforlife.org.
Get Involved
I want to use your posters and ads. What are the guidelines for using them?
For complete rules on sizes, where to post, and what information you can add, see our ad guidelines by visiting Ad Guidelines.
How can I form a Feminists for Life group on my campus?
We would love to be affiliated with you! If you are interested in exploring this option, please contact us at info@feministsforlife.org
Do you have any free stuff for college students?
If you haven’t yet received our College Outreach kit for students, and you are the leader of a pro-life group on your campus, write to us at info@feministsforlife.org and give us your name, mailing address, phone number, and the name of your college. Any student may download the individual ads and use the resources on our site for your papers. Past issues of The American Feminist may also be downloaded for free.
I want to reach out to a campus near me. Do you have materials I could use?
Feminists for Life has College Outreach kits for faculty advisors who want to spread pro-life feminism on campus and for pregnancy care centers helping students facing unexpected pregnancies. For more information, write to us at info@feministsforlife.org. Include your name, mailing address, and the name of the campus where you want to use the materials.
Do you have materials and speakers for high school audiences?
Our materials and presentations are geared to a college audience. While you may find some of our materials appropriate for high schools, we generally do not schedule speakers for that age group.
Do you sell bumper stickers, brochures, T-shirts, etc.?
Yes we do! Click here for FFL’s Covetable StuffSM!
I want to order some brochures to hand out. How do I do that?
If you’d like to see samples of our brochures, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Feminists for Life, P.O. Box 151567, Alexandria, VA 22315 or email us at info@feministsforlife.org.
If you already know what you want to order, you can do so online here.
When will an FFL speaker be speaking in my area?
For a continually updated listing of events, see our Speaker Schedule.
Can men be supporters?
Yes! We welcome men who consider themselves pro-life feminists.
What about positions held by members which are outside your mission to systematically eliminate the reasons that drive women to abortion? Do your members walk in lockstep or is there a diversity of thought?
One of the great strengths of Feminists for Life since our founding in 1972 has been the diversity of supporters attracted to our focused mission: to advocate practical resources and holistic support which address the unmet needs of pregnant women, parents, and birthparents.
Within our body of supporters, which includes people of many races, creeds, and levels of economic status, are volunteers who have served FFL as speakers and representatives—sharing their own experiences and influence to further this critical mission. Feminists for Life members and supporters hold to a broad spectrum of opinions regarding preconception and many other issues which are outside the scope of FFL’s own mission.
As a nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization, FFL has not attempted to control their beliefs, convictions or feelings about issues which are outside the scope of our mission. It is not our place as an organization to take positions on issues unrelated to our mission, nor to regulate the thoughts or speech of those who are numbered among our members and supporters who choose to express themselves as individuals on a particular issue.
The very fact that FFL supporters and speakers, as diverse a group as they are, can agree on our primary mission is itself a strong endorsement of its validity. FFL welcomes any and all who are committed to working alongside us in our shared mission to effectively put tangible resources to work and ensure that “Women Deserve Better®” is more than just a catchy phrase; it means women deserve practical resources and holistic support. We invite you to join us as we educate, energize, and empower the women we serve. Check out our significant accomplishments.
Does Feminists for Life want to criminalize women for having abortions?
The early feminists enacted laws against abortion as consumer protection for women. FFL has never advocated prosecuting women seeking abortion, although we believe that women are capable of following the law. Why doesn’t the law hold accountable those who threaten or coerce a woman into an abortion by withholding financial resources and emotional support?
Abandonment is a powerful form of coercion. We should criminalize anyone who withholds child support, fires a woman from her job because she is pregnant, refuses to accommodate her pregnancy, expels her from school, or threatens violence—any act that forces her to choose between sacrificing her child and sacrificing her education, career plans, or safety from violence. We believe that we should hold responsible those who profit from women’s pain—especially the abortion industry.
Most importantly, we need to jump into hyperdrive to provide resources and solutions that will support women.
What is your position on abstinence and chastity, various forms of birth control, and family planning?
Feminists for Life advocates practical resources and support to address the unmet needs of pregnant women and parents. Preconception issues are outside FFL’s mission. Feminists for Life members and supporters hold a broad spectrum of opinions regarding preconception issues, and FFL welcomes anyone committed to working alongside us in our shared mission.
What is FFL’s position on abortion in cases of rape or incest?
Click here to read our answer
What is your religious affiliation?
Feminists for Life is a nonsectarian organization and welcomes all people, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof.
Do you endorse political candidates, parties, or PACs?
No. Feminists for Life is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization that does not endorse, support, or promote candidates of any party. FFL does not support any political party, and is not affiliated with any political action committees (PACs).
How can I find out more about Feminists for Life and pro-life feminism?
Read the extensive information on our website, and sign up for our free e-list.
I’m having trouble convincing my friends that feminists can be pro-life.
Familiarize yourself with various issues of The American Feminist and some of the material under the “Feminist History” button on our website.
I’m writing a paper and would like to interview someone at Feminists for Life.
Due to the volume of requests, we have created this website for the purpose of helping students with their papers. Our spokespeople are generally unavailable for interviews by student researchers because they are traveling to campuses all over the U.S.
I have an article that I think FFL could use. How do I submit to The American Feminist or write for the Women Deserve Better ® helpsite?
Each issue of The American Feminist covers a theme. If you’d like to be considered as a writer for an upcoming issue, on a theme we choose, please submit a writing sample to us at info@feministsforlife.org. (Writers are volunteers.)