October 7, 2024

Feminists for Life Unveils New Fall Billboard Campaign!

Women exiting the highway to Planned Parenthood in Minneapolis-St Paul will now see the message “Women Deserve Better® than Abortion” and the caption “Abortion is a reflection we have not met the needs of women.” FFL President Serrin M. Foster says “Women Deserve Better® means more than saying no to abortion, it means saying yes to the resources women need and deserve.”

In Northern Pittsburgh, billboards share the same message and the Pennsylvania pregnancy option line. More resources are available at our helpsite Women Deserve Better.

Feminists for Life honors fathers with our newest billboard:

According to the CDC report, Black women underwent about 42% of all reported abortions, higher than any other race or ethnicity (as well as facing higher maternal mortality risks.) We know that lack of resources and support often drive women to abortion. Feminists for Life believes Black women deserve better—and their children are just as precious as any other.

We welcome other groups who share our vision and wish to sponsor advertisements. Also, if you own property with a billboard, we want to work with you! Email us at info@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me for details.

FFL President Serrin Foster, the creator of the Women Deserve Better® campaign, appreciates the sacrifices made by our donors. “We are grateful to supporters who invested in getting out the truth about abortion with a message of hope. Yes, women deserve better than abortion and every little one deserves life and love. Share the good news this Respect Life Month.”