April 6, 2024
FFL has summer internships!
We need capable, passionate, pro-woman, pro-life interns. Read on to see if this might be the right fit for you — and us.
We are now accepting applications for high-school and college students interested in our telecommuting, volunteer summer internships! Our interns:
- research, write, and edit for projects such as our WomenDeserveBetter.com helpsite; our Girls Deserve Better® campaign; and our biannual magazine, The American Feminist;
- assist us in our advocacy efforts;
- and plan events on their campuses when they return to school.
Serious applicants for any of these opportunities should send:
- a cover letter explaining why you are pro-woman and pro-life — include any work in the movement and tell us about your skills,
- what opportunity you are applying for,
- your résumé;
- Internship applicants please include a writing sample to info@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me.
Following these directions is your first test! Also, let us know if you are going to do this for school credit.
If you or someone you know is a current high-school or college student, please apply, and forward this email to any family or friends who might also be interested in interning with us!
Because women deserve better,
Joyce McCauley-Benner
Director of Public Education