As we prepare to close out this most unexpected Centennial Celebration, we can now reveal the top feminist history memes of the year as chosen by you!

February: Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

June: Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto

A tie! September Sisters
Victoria Woodhull & Tennessee Claflin

November: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

December: Dr. Charlotte Denman Lozier

Congratulations to all of the winners! They could not be with us today, so we are happy to accept this honor on their behalf.
In addition, people are reporting not seeing FFL’s Facebook page in their feeds. Here are the easy steps to take if you still aren’t seeing the latest news and historic feminist memes.

You can “favorite” our page by following these easy steps:
- Go to the page and click the button with three dots next to the “Like” button.
- Select Follow Options.
- Select Favorite.
- Select Update.
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, please make your year-end gift, which is being matched — three ways — starting with the FFL Board and Friends. Then, it’s double-matched if you start or increase monthly giving. And many employers will double your tax-deductible gift again!

In case you missed it: Here is a link to my President’s Report to investors like you who make the world better for the most vulnerable, including 125 THOUSAND unique visitors to our helpsite.
In 2021, we look forward to developing our Teen Outreach Program to reach the college-bound before they arrive on campus and before they support abortion — or suffer one themselves — as well as currently enrolled collegians, with the message that they are “FOREVER Priceless.”
As always, I thank you, on behalf of those we serve.
Because women deserve better — and girls deserve better, too,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. Another way not to be suppressed is to make your voice heard! As we approach the Roe anniversary, we encourage you to advocate for the most vulnerable, as Marilyn Kopp has done once again with her most recent letter in The Cleveland Plain Dealer. If you are published advocating for our pro-woman, pro-life mission, let us know!