FFL Prepares for Roe Anniversary & School Year, Room at the Inn Opens

In anticipation of the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we already have requests for speakers in California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington (as well as Barbados and Canada).

From Respect Life in October to Women’s History Month in March, college activists, pregnancy care centers, and national pro-life organizations are thinking ahead to ensure an FFL speaker is on their campus, at their convention, conference, or banquet. Now is the time to contact coordinator@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me to be a part of these tours.

FFL VP Sally Winn lectures at Yale Law

I just returned from North Carolina. You may remember my telling you earlier about the FFL-inspired Room at the Inn, adjacent to Belmont Abbey and the College. It was my honor to represent you at the Grand Opening.

We are so pleased to be a catalyst for change across America, and on behalf of the Board and staff, we congratulate Jeannie Wray and the RATI board and staff for this most impressive achievement to date. (Please read my speech.) It was a day of unparalleled joy as they anticipate welcoming mothers and children into the college-based maternity home.

One of the most poignant moments was to meet the Larry Blythe. His daughter, SFLA staffer Kortney Blythe Gordon, and unborn grandchild, Sophy Joy, and SFLA staffer Jon Sharfenberger died as a result of a tragic car accident last fall. Our Vice Chair Cindy Brown remembered Kortney when she worked earlier at Room at the Inn as a counselor. In this photo, Cindy, Larry, and I stand a few yards from the courtyard adjacent to Room at the Inn’s playground, where FFL will plant a tree in the fall in their memory.

Feminists for Life remembers them and pledges to continue our support for 700 pro-life groups across the country. Larry Blythe told us that Kortney was proud to be a pro-life feminist and share what she learned from FFL. We encourage campus activists to connect with Students for Life of America and Feminists for Life as we provide materials in anticipation of the most energized school year ever.

If you haven’t “Liked” our Facebook page, I encourage you to do so. Tens of thousands more people are talking about us right now! It’s remarkable. There is a hunger for the unique information FFL provides: feminist history, outcomes from our College Outreach Program, and “Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice Questions” seem to be the hottest topics — as well as FFL’s slogans. It’s a very easy thing to share.

Finally, I thank those who provide us with the resources to do our work as well as those who supported us at our Capitol Hill Intern Briefing.

Can you imagine where we’d be without FFL to educate about our rich history, or without our message that “Women Deserve Better” and advocacy for resources and support? It’s only because of you that our small staff does this important work. Please carefully consider a gift that is meaningful to you in support of our impactful efforts. Thank you.

Because women deserve better,
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Serrin M. Foster