Originally published May 10, 2011
How pro-life is your employer? How pro-woman? How pro-family? FFL’s issue of The American Feminist® titled “Raising Expectations in the Workplace” can help you evaluate your workplace.
Do you know how pregnant women can protect themselves from pregnancy discrimination?
Do you really understand the Family and Medical Leave Act and if it applies to you?
Articles of this special issue include expert analysis of welfare to work issues — from a uniquely pro-life feminist perspective. We reveal why a six-hour day (loved by employers and parents alike) ended for a major American company.
As the leading advocate for on-campus resources, we also remember the women on the tenure track.
And as feminists who truly believe in equality, we make sure that fathers are a part of the solution — and that we advocate solutions that support them.
The issue focuses on many workplace options that provide flexibility for parents and benefits to the employers. (You may have just read about this in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post. This issue couldn’t be more timely!)