The reviews are in, and it’s unanimous: FFL’s pro-woman, pro-life Speakers are the most effective way to change the abortion debate on campus! We’re not here to cause a fight; we’re here for the cause of life.

Board Chair Kara A. Sorenson “The Cause for Life is a Feminist Cause!”
“My daughter and I attended your speaking engagement last night, and we very much appreciated your presentation. We were not able to stay to commend you on your speech and your efforts for Feminists for Life but would like you to know that you were very inspiring, and we hope to share this information with others.”—Beth Pohlod, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner “Pregnant By Rape? Victory Over Violence”
“Our experience hosting Joyce was excellent; she was able to teach both pro-life and pro-choice people new perspectives surrounding abortion and sexual abuse. Her personal story was extremely powerful, and her remarks on abortion and abuse of women were incomparable. We believe every campus should host an FFL Speaker; they are a wonderful way to bridge the gap between pro-life and pro-choice students.”—Haley Theis, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA

FFL Speaker Cynthia J. Wood, J.D.
“Speak Up & Speak Out About Sexual Harassment: Find Your Assertive Voice”

“This year, we would love for Cynthia to present from the main stage! Her talk has gotten excellent reviews, and we believe everyone needs to hear it.”—Pam Whitehead, Pro-Life Women’s Conference, Kenner, LA

FFL Editor Damian J. Geminder “Why Men Should be Feminists for Life”
“Damian added a much-needed perspective to our panel discussion. His remarks were insightful and informative. Having a man make the case for life from a feminist perspective showed that being pro-woman and pro-life are indeed complementary, not contradictory. I would gladly recommend him for future speaking events.”—Marc Ang, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA

FFL President Serrin M. Foster, Moderator FFL Pregnancy and Parenting Resource ForumSM
“Serrin led the discussion in an engaging way and helped panelists consider practical and realistic steps that we could take on campus.”—Anne Whelan, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Last year, after Serrin delivered her acclaimed speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion,” William & Mary student leader Rebecca Boak said that Serrin “reawakened passion for the pro-life cause in our group and provided a new perspective on the pro-life movement by focusing on the mother and her needs.”
Serrin was so well received that she was invited back to moderate William & Mary’s first-ever Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum Forum! Two student moms were in attendance, one from the Law School and another who attends the college part time.
The Forum is the crown jewel of FFL’s College Outreach Program. Below, a student takes copious notes during the Forum.