It’s official! The theme for the 2020 March for Life is Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman. March for Life President Jeanne Mancini introduced the theme today on Capitol Hill.

“I have been talking about marking the 2020 March for Life by honoring our feminist foremothers with Jeanne for the last few years, and now, that moment is here, on the eve of the Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment!” said FFL President Serrin Foster, who served as a panelist at the event where she addressed the original feminists’ for life history.

In addition to being introduced by President Mancini, Serrin had the honor of speaking alongside Gloria Purvis, host of EWTN’s Morning Glory and Chairperson for Black Catholics United for Life, and Victoria Cobb, President of the Family Foundation of Virginia.

Feminists for Life of America will once again have a presence at both the March for Life, as well as the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, the largest student-led pro-life conference in the country, where Serrin will deliver her acclaimed speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion.”
We will be taking part in Roe events across the country next January, so please let us know if you can help pass out placards and other materials. If you also can help us offset the costs of these events in this milestone year, your support is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Because women deserve better,
Damian Geminder
Communications Coordinator & Editor
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. Please contact me to book your next FFL Speaker or Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum(SM) Moderator for your campus, pregnancy resource center, right-to-life, or diocesan respect life event. We are getting booked up fast!