LIMITED RELEASE: Watch Serrin at Cardinal O’Connor Conference!

This year, as with so many other things, we are unable to gather in person at the annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life. While this is disappointing, we are still going to march forth, virtually!

Tomorrow, FFL President Serrin M. Foster will be presenting her acclaimed speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion,” on the eve of the Cardinal O’Connor Conference, and it would be our honor if you could attend. You can register for FREE here.

In addition, Serrin’s speech will stay up on the conference’s Facebook and YouTube pages through this weekend, so you have three days to catch this limited release!

You can watch the March for Life online this year. Serrin was invited to march with a small group of pro-life leaders, but due to COVID is regrettably unable to represent FFL in person.

Also, be sure to watch or record a repeat showing of the pro-life documentary 40 on EWTN tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Eastern. It features Serrin, as well as one young woman who uses our slogan, “Women deserve better® than abortion!” You can also watch on YouTube.

Finally, the move to primarily virtual events has meant that our efforts to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable have taken a major hit. If you are able, please consider supporting us today. Thank you.

Because women deserve better,

Damian J. Geminder
Director of Public Education & Editor
Feminists for Life of America

P.S. If you would like Serrin or any of our other pro-woman, pro-life FFL Speakers to present at your next in-person or virtual event, please contact us at Stay well!