Make Abortion Unthinkable
By now, you have had the opportunity to read some of the powerful personal testimonies at our Annual Capitol Hill Intern Briefing:
FFL member Johanna Young
, who after suffering abuse and a coerced abortion, became a Feminist for Life, brought me to her campus to moderate an FFL Pregnancy Resource Forum. She is the proud mother of three and plans now to go to grad school.
You have heard from Joyce McCauley-Benner, a survivor of rape who chose victory over violence and speaks on college campuses for Feminists for Life. She has achieved her master’s and has two beautiful sons.
And you have heard from one of our three amazing interns, Kara Sorenson, who
brought me to Clarion University, and in just two hours — thanks to the input of a dozen administrators as well as service providers in the community and a devoted adviser — now have a plan to address EVERY need of a pregnant woman, expectant father, parent, or birthmother.
Here’s what you didn’t hear. Before Kara took to the mic, I had the opportunity to introduce Carol Day, Director of Health Education Services at Georgetown University. She has been on every one of FFL’s Pregnancy Resource Forums for the past two decades and has helped bring the program to other Jesuit universities and also has taught an online course to administrators like her.
Together, we are helping to propel woman-centered solutions on college campuses.
After hearing from our speakers, I took an inventory of the interns gathered from across the country (and some internationally):
- Do you have family housing?
- Affordable child care?
- Telecommuting options?
- Policies that support pregnant women, parents, birthmothers?
- Are the resources and support communicated?
I could go on and on. The lack of raised hands was telling. You get the picture.
Feminists for Life has freely shared what we know with other student groups at the national and campus level.
We have done so much where we’ve been thus far, but there are many more campuses to reach, and more leaders to educate.
So I ask you to seriously consider your ongoing support. We aren’t sitting on cash. We have spent it this summer on the first-ever Pro-Life Women’s Conference and our Annual Capitol Hill Briefing — getting speakers, staff, and interns where they need to be and getting the best materials to those who will share our feminist history and pro-woman solutions.
Summers are really hard on us financially — and even more so during election years.
But with your support, we can get the materials and other program components ready for the school year ahead.
I am inspired by our work, the faces of students, the success stories, seeing that other groups are so inspired by us that they take it up, too!
Women who attended the women’s conference in Dallas are inspired, too.
A small group are offering to DOUBLE-MATCH your new or increased monthly gift, which includes membership. They understand that FFL needs a sustainable source of income. Consider $5, $7, $10, or $25 a month as a new or increased monthly gift to make the gift of a lifetime.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
PS: The offer to DOUBLE-MATCH your new or increased gift is for a limited time only. Please don’t hesitate. We are on a mission to make abortion unthinkable. We can do this. I know we can, but only with your sacrifice. Thank you.