July 25, 2024

Men count, too!

Men not only have a role in supporting women and their children, they have experiences to share as well.

Just as we have listened to women, we want to hear men’s stories. Whether it is your story or what a man has shared with you, we welcome you to share your thoughts with us.

We invite you to write a short story, share a memory, or jot a few sentences down if you relate to any of these topics:

Have you or someone you know experienced abortion without a choice?

How has abortion regret impacted you?

We want to hear how fatherhood has rewarded you! Tell us what you overcame or what being a father has meant to you

We would love to hear what your dad, or someone who has been like a father, has meant to you!

Maybe your situation with your father wasn’t what you wished or hoped for—all stories are welcome.

We know some stories are sensitive and complete anonymity will be honored at your request. Please note, by submitting your response, you accept that we have rights to publish and to edit for length and clarity.

Send submissions to info@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me.

Pass this along to others who may be interested!

Because women deserve better,

Joyce McCauley-Benner
Director of Public Education and Editor

P.S. Missed an issue of The American Feminist? Complete your collection of our evergreen issues today.