Feminists for Life’s Menu of Opportunity

First Course
Gift membership to FFL intern or pro-life student leader
Feminist History Kit for school and church libraries
Our Bread & Butter
Monthly Donations Our core supporters choose their amount to help cover house costs of rent, phones, fax, etc., and keep our doors open to ensure that the red carpet is always rolled out, welcoming all people to FFL’s pro-woman, pro-life philosophy.
Monthly gift:
$5 and up
Our Website: The Gateway to FFL Monthly web costs
$ 500.00
Second Course
Send a kit to campus proven to help a pro-life student group.
$ 100.00
FFL’s Rally for Resources Bring FFL’s message and woman-centered solutions to the campus public square. Includes materials, shipping, and guidance by FFL staff.
$ 500.00
Software at non-profit rates Help keep our productive juices flowing and productivity high.
$ 500.00
Equipment We can’t “cook” without it!
Get the Word Out Printing and shipping costs for 5,000 of any of our bumper stickers:
• Pro-Woman, Pro-Life
• Say NO to the Status Quo: Women Deserve Better®
• Peace Begins in the Womb
Main Course
Lecture Sponsor
“The Feminist Case Against Abortion
FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s landmark speech
One in a series recognized as a “Great Speech in History on Women’s Rights”
“Victory Over Violence” or “Slaves Among Us. Sex Trafficking in the US”
presented by FFL Speaker and rape survivor
Joyce McCauley-Benner
Find Your Assertive Voice” to speak up and to speak out against sexual harassment
training by FFL National Operations Coordinator
Cynthia Wood
or FFL Pregnancy and Parenting Resource ForumSM Successfully transforming campuses since 1997!
$500.00 – $3,000
Prix Fixe

Grow Your Group kit, Feminist History kit, Lecture, Pregnancy Resource Forum, tailor made ads, year-round technical assistance

House Specialty
The American Feminist® from “soup to nuts” writing, editing, design,  printing, postage

Cardinal O’Connor Conference Send staff and materials to Georgetown for the Conference.

Fruit of the Vine
Contact us if you are interested in the sponsoring ad campaigns including our billboards, transit signs, videos, and new memes on social media.
Market Price
Take Away
Design, printing, shipping of our new Women Deserve Better® and other brochures.
Frequent flyer points – like the first suffragists who used flight to get the message out, help us get an FFL Speaker to campus.
25-75,000 miles
Amtrak® Guest Rewards – as we follow Susan B. Anthony who rode the rails.
13-100000 miles
Hotel points – helps us save more money for speaker and staff travel!
1 or 2 nights stay
Look for us in new locations!

With your help we can bring our message and solutions to more campuses and communities!

Leading to the 2020 Centennial Celebration, Feminists for Life of America will accelerate our efforts to lead the renaissance of the First Wave Feminist movement to realize the unfulfilled vision of Susan B. Anthony and others who envisioned better circumstances for mothers.

The 2020 Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment is our BIGGEST opportunity to educate the nation that our feminist foremothers were pro-life feminists and focused on holistic, woman-centered solutions.

Uniquely qualified as the authority on pro-life feminist history and building on our accomplishments to educate and advocate for women, FFL provides a light in the darkness and a source of unity in a deeply divided era.

This year we need your help to get our materials, message, and solutions out there on campus and the community — because women deserve better, and every child deserves their life.

Thank you for your patronage!

*Please contact info@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me to schedule speakers and/or donate travel.  Price of events depend on many variables for travel such as booking date, and size of the college. Includes materials for all attendees and step-by-step instructions, promotional materials. Please allow us work with the student group and campus to choose the event.

WOMEN DESERVE BETTER, REFUSE TO CHOOSE and THE AMERICAN FEMINIST are registered trademarks of Feminists for Life of America.

©2018 Feminists for Life of America. All rights reserved.