On the Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment, we are pleased to share our NEW video about Alice Paul, the pro-life feminist who led the suffrage movement to its successful conclusion. Women’s right to vote became the law of the land nationwide on August 26, 1920.
Thanks to Feminists for Life’s historians, many people now know that the first wave feminists were pro-life, but this video also documents the meeting between the great suffragist Alice Paul and our co-founder, Pat Goltz, which led to the original research, now shared by many other groups, because people like you supported our work early on.
While we celebrate our feminist foremothers, we know their work, now ours, is far from over. Please help us as we find new ways to reach the next generation of leaders, who are right now at high risk of abortion.
They deserve better — as will their children.
Please, share the legacy. Share the video. Happy Women’s Equality Day!
Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. This video is one of many amazing projects that we worked on this summer with our remarkable summer interns. In this video, you’ll meet Elizabeth, who is narrating, while Meghan was responsible for the images. Our thanks also go to FFL Speaker and contributor to WomenDeserveBetter.com and The American Feminist Joyce McCauley-Benner. Her Masters in Screenwriting was utilized while our staff researched feminist history. Our thanks to all who worked on this project!