May 9, 2024
New tips for moms to make life better!
In anticipation of celebrating Mother’s Day this Sunday and Birthmother’s Day this Saturday, we spotlight some of the great tips for pregnant and parenting women and families that we received from supporters like you:
Pregnancy Tip: During labor, the more you relax the sooner your baby will be born.
Parenting Tip: Nap when the children nap. Avoid thinking that nap time is a good time to do housecleaning. You need the rest too!
Fun Idea: Backyard camping trips! The weather is perfect right now for backyard camping trips – a tent, even an improvised one, snacks, blankets and pillows, stuffed animals, and of course flashlights. How long it lasts will depend on the kids’ ages, but home is never far away. After-dark backyard safaris are exciting too. Families living in apartments could plan to use a courtyard or common space, maybe with kids from several families together.
Parenting Tip: Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answer to!
Parenting Tip: Let your children be children. Let them dream, imagine, play, and laugh.
Parenting Tip: Have routines so kids can feel safe knowing what comes next.
Parenting Tip: Just love. Kids don’t need all the gadgets—they need you.
Parenting Tip: Be the mom your heart is telling you to be.
Parenting Tip: Enjoy all the stages of life.
We thank those that submitted these tips! If you have been inspired with a tip to help pregnant women and families Work, Learn, Live, or Love better, please share them with us at so we can pass them on.
Our WomenDeserveBetter helpsite has more than 300 other articles to help families Work, Learn, Live, and Love better.
Help us help women and children by sharing these resources.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin Foster
P.S. Meet FFL Fellow Bella Martino and friends at our conference booth during the Dobbs anniversary weekend June 22-24, 2024 in Washington D.C. Plan now to get your tickets to the Celebrate Life Conference with this weekend’s special $15 discount code: CelebrateMom.