March is Women’s History Month. Please make plans now to share our rich pro-life feminist history to your community–women’s history events, religious communities, campus–or just keep some in your car as needed!
* “Voices of Our Feminist Foremothers” brochures
* Free Downloadable Ads in color and B&W featuring Susan B. Anthony
And FREE for pro-life student groups thanks to our donors:
* Downloadable Susan B. Anthony ads/flyers are available for free for you to paper your campus at
(These materials for students are free to them but not for us. If you can help defray S&H and some printing costs we’d be grateful! Thank you to our donors who sacrifice to help educate, activate and equip the next generation of leaders!)
Order now. Support us now. March forth!
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
PS First Wave Feminists is included with membership. To get yours please join or renew now. Thank you!