PPFA Selling Body Parts. Exploiting & Trafficking Women & Children in America NOW

The news that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts after performing illegal partial birth abortions is sending shock waves throughout the country.   Let me tell you why I am not so shocked. It’s Déjà vu.    In 1995 when the U.S. House Judiciary Committee first heard testimony about this practice, we heard about a woman

PPFA Selling Body Parts. Exploiting & Trafficking Women & Children in America NOW Read More »

FFL wants your help to identify revolutionary efforts and best practices

FFL wants your help to identify revolutionary efforts and best practices to directly address the unmet needs of women and children at high risk of abortion. That would include model efforts to serve those at risk including: – poor and pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence or conceived through sexual assault, -those who

FFL wants your help to identify revolutionary efforts and best practices Read More »