Hard Cases: Jeannie Wallace French

Jeannie Wallace French, executive director of the National Women’s Coalition for Life provided a powerful personal story during the 1996 hearings before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. French described how physicians recommended aborting her twin daughter, Mary, after she was diagnosed with an occipital encephalocele, a form of spina bifida. […]

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FFL Birthmothers Interviewed by Washington Times

Birthmothers and former Feminists for Life board members Jessica O’Connor-Petts and Julia Thornton were interviewed, along with FFL President Serrin M. Foster, by Cheryl Wetzstein in the Sunday, April 12, edition of theWashington Times. We thought you would be interested to read the following excerpts: [Y]oung women who choose adoption, like Julia Thornton and Jessica

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