Isn’t feminism about a woman having rights equal to those of a man?

Feminism is much more than that. As a teen, I remember the electrifying call for equality during the ’70’s women’s movement, and how it challenged and changed the nation. The idea was so compelling it still circles the world. By definition, equality is a principle extended to all. When one group of people gets their […]

Isn’t feminism about a woman having rights equal to those of a man? Read More »

So you believe that a tiny speck — a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus — has rights over a woman?

Women aren’t stupid. We know it’s a baby that is growing just like we did in our mother’s wombs. That is why most women who feel they have emotional and financial support don’t have abortions. I don’t believe in discrimination based on size, age or location. Do you believe that a child has less of

So you believe that a tiny speck — a zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus — has rights over a woman? Read More »

If you don’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?

Most women do not have abortions as a matter of “choice,” but because they feel they have no resources to support a different choice. A coerced decision is not a free choice—it’s a last resort. We support nonviolent choices—single motherhood, fatherhood, grandparenthood, marriage and various adoption options—along with practical resources and support. A society that

If you don’t trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child? Read More »