Dear Feminist for Life,
I am so pleased to report on what YOU made possible this past year. It is YOUR sacrifice, YOUR support, that helps us in achieving our mission—one woman in need, one future leader, at a time.
For the moms who can cradle their babies, for new dads in awe of life, for the children who are here BECAUSE OF YOUR HELP, I thank you for your strategic support.
As we approach the 2020 Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment led by pro-life feminists, I ask for your help again.
The Year-End Match is ON!
Please go now to www.feministsforlife.org/support and make your most generous single gift and it will be matched by the FFL Board and Friends! New monthly gifts will also be double-matched. Corporate matching gifts will also be doubled! Please don’t wait. We can do more earlier with your help now.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster

FFL advocated the following legislation:
- June: FFL urged legislators to test the backlog of rape kits along with model legislation from Missouri.
- August: FFL sent an action alert announcing our support for the Survivors’ Access to Supportive Care Act (H.R. 6387) to train sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) who will provide rape kits.
- September: FFL supported the Family Savings Act of 2018 (H.R. 6757), which has passed in the House and includes language recognizing the humanity and rights of the unborn child. Currently, Section 529 of the IRS code allows individuals to make tax-advantaged contributions to an account intended to save for a child’s future education expenses.
- October: FFL endorsed the Pregnant Women in Custody Act (H.R. 6805), which would ban the use of restraints and restrictive housing on female inmates during pregnancy, during labor, and postpartum and also set standards of care for pregnant female inmates. This bipartisan legislation is co-sponsored by a majority of female members of Congress.
- VICTORY!! October: FFL’s Recommendations for Pregnancy Resources and Support on California State Colleges and Universities published by Ms. Foster and researcher Kellan Monroe (see more below) was used by those lobbying in California and though it received promising responses by individual legislators, the bill to fund RU-486 on campus was passed by both CA legislative chambers. Fortunately, Gov. Jerry Brown, (who supports abortion), vetoed this bill, citing the close proximity of abortion clinics and other distributors to campuses and excessive costs in a state dealing with heavy debt.

Public Education:
- January: FFL volunteers and staff took part in the C. March for Life, OneLife LA, Trenton Rally for Life, St. Paul March for Life, Madison March for Life, and Walk for Life West Coast.
- May: FFL took part in “Fostering a Culture of Hope: Exploring Faith-Based Solutions to Foster-Care Needs,” in Washington, D.C.
- May: Ms. Foster put out a statement against hateful speech degrading women.
- June: The 3rd Annual Pro-Life Women’s Conference opened with FFL President Serrin Foster’s keynote address, “End the Feminization of Poverty That Drives Women to Abortion!” In the final session of the conference, Cynthia Wood compared the passive, aggressive, and assertive responses when dealing with a harasser during her new presentation, “Finding Your Assertive Voice.”
- June: Ms. Foster was honored to present her landmark speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion,” for the first time on Capitol Hill to a packed Foreign Affairs Committee room, hosted by Faith & Law on June 29.
- August: FFL gave materials to mothers in need and to counselors with Project Gabriel.
College Outreach Program:
- FFL once again offered FREE Grow Your Group kits for campus pro-life groups across the country. In addition, we offered behind-the-scenes technical assistance for any administrator or student—as well as speakers and moderators for campus events.
- Foster addressed students at Wheeling Jesuit (WV), Franciscan University of Steubenville, (OH) the Cardinal O’Connor Conference (DC), Johns Hopkins University (MD), and James Madison University (VA).
- February: In advance of a vote to distribute RU-486 on California campuses, FFL’s spring intern Kellan Monroe from the University of North Georgia researched and co-authored a study with Ms. Foster of Resources and Support for Pregnant and Parenting students attending California state colleges and universities.

- We had seven amazing interns this summer, including two who returned—one for a third summer—both of whom referred another intern from their respective schools! This year’s interns attended Franciscan University at Stuebenville, Wheeling Jesuit University, Barnard University (NY), Christopher Newport University (VA), and James Madison University (VA). We are grateful for their service!
- October: FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner addressed Oxford Students for Life.
- October: Ms. McCauley-Benner took part in a panel discussion on abortion at the Montana Tech Library Auditorium. The event was hosted by New Hope Clinic, a pregnancy resource center located in Butte, Montana.
- October: In addition to kits being sent to student groups across the country this fall, FFL sent kits for hundreds of students attending Protect Life Michigan’s (formerly Students for Life of Michigan) 13th Annual Ignite & Equip Conference. They went like hotcakes!
- October: FFL President Serrin Foster moderated the 23rd Annual FFL Pregnancy Resource Forum at Georgetown University.
- October 17: In her first on-campus event for FFL, Speaker Cynthia Wood presented “Find Your Assertive Voice: Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment” at the University of Louisville, KY.
- October: FFL released our report on the Ivy League Schools researched by Jillian Shea and co-authored by Ms. Shea and Ms. Foster. While commending the Ivies, FFL found deficiencies in their publicizing Title IX, expensive housing, and child care.
- November 12: Ms. Foster moderated the first-ever FFL Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum at James Madison University led by summer intern Ian McGinness, who brought Serrin to speak at JMU last spring.
Women Deserve Better website:
There are now more than 140 articles to help women Work, Learn, Live, and Love better, and we are continuing to add more. Please be sure you help spread the word in your community!
The American Feminist®:
- November: “Beyond the Schism” explored the contemporary feminist movement from the beginning of the second wave, the founding of FFL, etc.
- March: “reCLAIM YOUR VOICE” explored the #MeToo movement, as it relates to interpersonal violence, coerced abortions, and what women can do to prevent harassment and other forms of abuse to teens and women, using FFL’s unique pro-woman, pro-life voice.
- “Abortion: Nothing to Celebrate” focuses on the attempt by abortion activists to not just normalize but to treat abortion as a “moral good.” Look for the new issue in your mailbox this December! Gift memberships include “First Wave Feminists” and “Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice Questions™ and this new issue!
Social Media:
In addition to maintaining two websites, FFL’s presence includes fresh feminist posts 365 days a year on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. WomenDeserveBetter.com has its own Facebook and Instagram pages to better inform moms and their supporters!
With your support, Feminists for Life’s website will be redesigned as we look toward to the 2020 Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment!!

As always, FFL talks to people on BOTH sides of the political aisle and abortion debate, because our job is to invite everyone to the pro-woman, pro-life movement! You can find links to each at www.feministsforlife.org/news. (Many of these had more than one article or interview!)
- America magazine
- America This Week/Sirius XM
- BuzzFeed
- Catholic News Service
- CBS-Washington DC
- Chicago Tribune
- The Christian Post
- Christianity Today
- Cleveland Plain Dealer
- CNSNews.com
- The College Fix
- Columbia magazine
- DailyClout
- Georgetown Right to Life blog
- Huckabee/TBN
- Human Life Review
- The Johns Hopkins News-Letter
- Lethbridge Herald
- Louder with Crowder
- The Manitoban
- National Review
- NBC Washington
- New Catholic Generation
- Relevant Radio
- Socialist Worker
- Sports Betting Dime
- The Washington Examiner
- The Washington Free Beacon
- WMAL Washington DC Talk Radio
- WSVA #1 VA News Talk Radio
- January 18-26: FFL Board, volunteers, and staff will be at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Volunteers will assist in the distribution of signs. (Please email us if you can help!) Others will be at the Walk for Life West Coast, OneLife LA, March for Life Chicago, and many other locations!
- January 19: Ms. Foster will present “End the Feminization of Poverty That Drives Women to Abortion!” at the 20th Annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life at Georgetown.