Pro-life? Pro-choice? Interns gather on Capitol Hill…

The FFL Annual Capitol Hill Intern Briefing is just six weeks away! Feminists for Life of America will bring together interns representing our elected officials at the highest levels of government, from both sides of the aisle — as well as from third-party organizations on both sides of the abortion debate.
If you are a collegian in the D.C. area this summer, whether interning on the Hill or at one of the organizations in the area, you are invited to the Rayburn Gold Room on August 1 at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. Contact to reserve your seat. (Yes, graduating high school seniors going to college in the fall are most welcome, as well as grad students!)
There, interns will listen to FFL’s dynamic Speakers, including:
- a rape survivor who learned she was pregnant,
- a victim of domestic violence coerced into an abortion,
- a birthmother,
- student parents,
- the director of health education services from Georgetown University,
- and a student leader who helped to transform her campus.
If you are an intern or collegian in the D.C. area and would like to attend the Briefing, please email ASAP!
We thank Congressman Chris Smith for once again sponsoring our annual briefing.
If you are able, please help to underwrite this impactful event.
Because women deserve better,
Damian Geminder
Communications Coordinator & Editor
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. In addition to our Briefing, we are sending Speakers across the country (see below!). If you are interested in having a pro-woman, pro-life Speaker at your event, contact to book today. Our calendar is filling up fast, and we have a lot of inquiries, so don’t delay!