We eagerly anticipate the celebration of Susan B. Anthony’s 200th Birthday on February 15. That’s right: The Susan B. Anthony Amendment (aka the 19th Amendment) is 100 years old, but the namesake was born 200 years ago!
With attacks against Feminists for Life and misinformation about our pro-life feminist history (most recently by The Washington Post and earlier by The Atlantic), which we revealed, people are hungry to know more about our women’s history — and how it fits with our pro-life philosophy.
Feminists for Life writes women back into history with our next issue of The American Feminist, “Pedaling Toward Freedom.”
We will tell you what you never learned in most textbooks:
- Hear the voice of Susan B. Anthony come to life.
- Put yourself in the place of women whose place was either as a drudge or a doll before they launched a revolution that is still spreading around the world today.
- Discover the clever ways women got out the “Votes for Women” message, in a day before social media.
- Explore a curated collection of pro- and anti-suffrage postcards with humor and sadness in an exclusive interview of Carol Crossed, owner of the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum, about her exquisite new book, Vintage Tweets.
- Revel in our reveal of black women suffragists.
- Meet the “suffragents” who promoted equality. (And learn how sex trumped race in pursuit of suffrage.)
- Connect the dots between those who toiled and suffered for suffrage in the 72-year-long movement and their support for mothers and their children — born and unborn.
- Learn how the contemporaries of the notorious Madame Restell really felt about her abortion practice.
- Travel back in time and place from Punjab to London with a Suffragette Princess, the goddaughter of Queen Victoria.
- And finally, we remember our very own co-founder Cathy Callaghan with a fitting tribute — and then send a clarion call to action on the back cover.
Contact us if you would like to order this item in bulk.
Read a sample article here: Remembering Black Suffragists