November 21, 2023

Something else to be grateful for!

Thanks to the enthusiastic response by donors like you, I am pleased to report that Feminists for Life’s billboard campaign has now expanded to:

  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
  • Coopersville, (Grand Rapids area), Michigan
  • Carson City, (Reno/Lake Tahoe area), Nevada
  • and St. Bonifacius, (near Minneapolis) Minnesota  
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This Thanksgiving, we are so grateful to you!

Meanwhile, NOW teamed up to spoil this holiday by encouraging activists to make abortion a topic for the dinner table and weekend get together.

I can’t imagine a discussion much more depressing than to remind women and men who mourn that someone is missing from the table—and to underestimate the strength and dignity of women and the value of every human being.

This season, we rededicate ourselves to support the life and love that each child deserves, before and after the day of their birth.

No matter how many gather together at your table, you are part of our FFL family. So this Thanksgiving, across the miles, I will raise a toast to you.

Because women deserve better,

Serrin M. Foster

P.S. Our three-way year-end match is on!! Leverage your gift now

P.P.S. Why not sleep in this Black Friday?! Find the perfect gift on our Covetable Stuff shopping page. Choose a Welcome Kit, apparel, totes, tumblers, and more. Feel good knowing you are also supporting our work. Thank you!