VICE News: Famed Computer Scientist Richard Stallman Described Epstein Victims As ‘Entirely Willing’

FFL President Serrin Foster released the following statement explaining why statutory rape IS rape:
“Feminists for Life opposes ALL forms of violence against women and children — including abortion and rape. By definition, every rape is nonconsensual. Every rape is forced. There are no exceptions.
“Every rape is wrong. That includes sexual assaults committed by acquaintances and family members as well as by strangers, statutory rape of minors, sexual assaults committed by or against one or more persons, sexual assaults of men and boys as well as women and girls, rape by coercion, rape employing physical force, rape employing alcohol or drugs such as Rohypnol, and rape by sex traffickers and johns (both domestic and international).
“Every rape and every abortion betray our feminist principles of nonviolence, nondiscrimination, and justice for all.
“Feminists for Life demands an end to violence and discrimination in every circumstance and will continue to support efforts that prevent violence against women through resources, support, and education. We also support prosecution of those who commit acts of violence against women and children.”
FFL Speaker and rape survivor Joyce McCauley-Benner stated the following:
“People have to link ‘sex trafficking’ — that is, the purchase of sexual services from someone who has no control over it — to the idea that ‘trafficking equals rape.’
“By U.S. federal law, those under 18 who are bought and sold for sex are AUTOMATICALLY victims of trafficking, so as such, they are rape victims. So, yes, country and age DO matter (in legal terms). And therefore, they could not be willing.
“Where the general public and those who are not versed in this issue fall prey is that they think selling your body for sex does NOT make you a rape victim and they think, ‘She was willing.’ How many times do we hear, ‘Well, prostitutes can’t be raped’? However, at this point, it is clear Epstein is accused of trafficking and thus, along with the victims’ statements, we CAN and SHOULD acknowledge they were NOT willing participants.”
If you are interested in having FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner deliver either “Victory Over Violence,” her personal story of discovering she was pregnant after rape, or “Slaves Among Us: Sex Trafficking in the U.S” at your next event, contact us at
Because women deserve better,

Damian Geminder
Communications Coordinator & Editor
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. Help us advocate for the most vulnerable, including rape victims and survivors. Please donate today.
P.P.S. See our many events across the country below! If you are interested in hosting an FFL Speaker or Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum(SM) Moderator for your campus, pregnancy resource center, right-to-life, or diocesan respect life event, please contact us now. We are getting booked up fast!