December 11, 2024
Tell the House to Take It Down!
In a rare moment of bipartisan unity, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill to protect victims of A.I. deep fake revenge porn with unanimous support.
Victims, often teen girls. find images of themselves manipulated into nude photos.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar cosponsored the bill with Sen.Ted Cruz. She said “We must provide victims of online abuse with the legal protections they need when intimate images are shared without their consent, especially now that deepfakes are creating horrifying new opportunities for abuse. Ninety-five percent of the images have been created without the consent of the person featured.”
Sen. Cruz noted, “Passage of our bipartisan TAKE IT DOWN Act will give innocent victims—many of whom are teenage girls—the opportunity to seek justice against deviants who publish these abusive images.“
The bill requires companies to take down images within 48 hours after a victim makes a report. Tech giants including META and Google support the bill.
The Take It Down Act has been referred to the House of Representatives.
“The House needs to vote on this bill now—and we fully expect 100% support, just like in the Senate,” said FFL President Serrin Foster. “Victims don’t need us to waste one more day on this. There should be no debate. Girls deserve better.”
Joyce McCauley-Benner, FFL Public Education Coordinator and former sex trafficking victims’ advocate added, “Teen girls need a safe space online where they can be free from exploitation and be reminded that they are Forever PricelessTM. Our website and Instagram page provides that space.”
TAKE ACTION: Contact your representative. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or email them. Tell them to sponsor the Take It Down Act because girls deserve better.
Please let us know you took a moment to speak for teen girls. We thank you in advance!
The year-end three-way match is on! Please remember those we serve as we prepare for the new year ahead.