April 4, 2024
Thank YOU for 30 Years
As I celebrate my 30th anniversary at Feminists for Life, I honor each of you who believed in our mission to systematically eliminate the reasons that drive women to abortion.
You understood that we must address the unmet needs of women at highest risk of abortion including those who are poor, in school, and in the workplace. You understood that whenever possible, fathers are important to both women and their children.
And so you invested in our College Outreach Program, which led to workplace solutions, and more recently our Girls Deserve Better® project.
You heralded our message, “Women Deserve Better® than Abortion,” and shared our solutions including our Women Deserve Better helpsite to hundreds of thousands of caretakers, mothers, and those who support them. You sacrificed for our ad and billboard campaigns.
You also helped us share our rich prolife feminist history which was first revealed by FFL historians.
Like any remarkable story, people come and go. We remember our late Art Director Lisa Toscani, Board Member Susie DeConcini, FFL Co-Founder Cathy Callaghan, Director of Public Education and Editor Damian Geminder, and my own father, Dr. William A. Foster who contributed as we opened the D.C. office in 1994. He helped me problem solve with one challenge after another until he passed in 2005. Meanwhile, you and I helped address the kind of challenges he faced as a foster child and student parent.
My mother, Donna, an early Birthright volunteer who inspired my first speech in college against abortion, has continued to serve other mothers though her volunteerism at FFL. It is her anniversary, too.
I will never forget those of you who remain dedicated to our cause and who understand FFL’s impact. I am grateful for your sacrifices, both financial as well as investments of time. I often get the credit that must be shared with our Board, volunteers, (especially the Editorial Boad and copyeditors of The American Feminist magazine), student interns, and staff.
I can’t thank all of you by name, but it is written on my heart. Mothers, birthmothers, and their children may not know you and won’t have the opportunity to thank you. So please accept my heartfelt gratitude on their behalf as we continue to make our stamp in history.
I thank you for your heartfelt tributes.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Editor’s Note: Thanks to a generous group of donors, your new or increased monthly gift by EFT or credit card will be TRIPLE-matched. So a gift of $33 will be matched with another $99—and so on! Please make your gift or post a tribute here. Our newest issue of The American Feminist, “Strong As a Mother” is out now. Renew or sign up now to get yours!