We march, rally, and walk in the footsteps of our feminist foremothers who were also pro-life — with more events, bigger events, and more hope and energy than ever that abortion can become unthinkable.
This year is especially important as we commemorate the Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment led by the original feminists for life.
Our entire board is coming to the March for Life D.C.!

And Board member Pat O’Kane will ALSO be at FFL’s booth in San Francisco for the Walk for Life West Coast Info Faire the next day!

Our Editor, Damian J. Geminder, will accompany me to Georgetown University for a special presentation of “The Feminist Case Against Abortion” to the largest student-organized conference in the country!

And the weekend beforehand, FFL Speaker Joyce McCauley-Benner will be in the greater Memphis area for their rally for life!

While it seems to be outside the spirit of the holiday season to talk about Roe events now, we do so understanding the great hope and joy we share as Feminists for Life and the host of WomenDeserveBetter.com.
Last year, FFL participated in FORTY events across the country. What we found was that even more people could have been distributing placards, but they waited too late to order them or have our staff organize FFL supporters to show up at their events.
This year, especially this year, we can’t let that happen again.
We can’t wait when many of our events are back-to-back with Women’s Marches held on Saturdays across the country, and unfortunately, without known exception, all strongly advocate abortion.
The pro-life events across the country are the true women’s marches, walks, and rallies!
Will you stand up for the lives of teens, women, and children at highest risk of abortion?
Will you march?
Can you help us distribute placards?
If an indoor event, we have terrific brochures, too!
If so, we will create a meme to post on social media, email people in your area to help meet up, and get them in touch with you.
Please don’t wait. Let us know now.
Can’t get to an event? Perhaps sponsor some placards and brochures in support of the effort.
March forth!
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
P.S. Remember the year-end match is on, and there are three ways to give: single, monthly, and corporate, and we accept gifts of stock as well. Go here to learn more.
P.P.S. One more way to save: Donors who have hit 70 1/2 years of age may find BIG benefits by distributing a donation directly from their IRA or Roth IRA. Read here to find out more.