FFL first led the revolution to identify resources (on and off campus) and to create on-campus support through policies, resources, and communication strategies. Students, administrators, faculty, alums, and donors can help us advance the revolution by using FFL’s Tools for Schools to ensure pregnant women, expectant fathers, parents, and birthparents won’t be forced to choose between terminating their education and supporting their children.
Step 1: Assess & Plan
- Request your free Revolution on Campus kit—full of FREE posters, brochures, and materials proven to grow your group! Contact us for your free kit today!
- Do you know if women who are pregnant or parenting on campus have the resources and support they need to stay in school?
- Complete FFL’s Pregnancy and Parenting Resources SurveySM, evolved over 20 years from FFL’s original Pregnancy Resources SurveySM, to evaluate your campus for pregnant and parenting resources.
- Contact us to help tailor your plans for the school year!
Step 2: Educate
- Table using your FREE Grow Your Group student kit. “Voices of Our Feminist Foremothers” is a terrific brochure—especially in advance of the Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment in 2020!
- Get the word out by posting our striking posters and ads—download or order our thought-provoking ads—and share our feminist history memes via social media posted throughout the year.
- Host an FFL Speaker. Our highly acclaimed speakers visit campuses across the country to share their stories and educate college audiences about our rich pro-life feminist history, violence against women, and sexual harassment.
- Download our images and make your own t-shirt. Instructions and images here.

Step 3: Transform your campus with holistic resources and support
- Host an FFL Pregnancy and Parenting Resource ForumSM – Take the ultimate step in transforming your campus with FFL’s Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum. FFL moderators bring together key campus policymakers and stakeholders to identify and develop resources for pregnant and parenting students.
- Post and share our online resource WomenDeserveBetter.com website to help women Work, Learn, Live, and Love better.
- Take Women Deserve Better® brochures to your key administrators who can help a student in need.
- Post Women Deserve Better Ads on campus so that they get the support they need from off campus, national sources, and self-help solutions.• Use FFL’s free Pregnant & Parenting Resources Website & Template for your group’s website.
- Recommend our model policies to your administrators.
- Use our proven communication strategies to raise awareness and connect pregnant and parenting students on campus, help advocate for their needs, and connect them to vital resources now.
- Fundraise to help pregnant and parenting students with housing, child care, diaper decks on campus, etc.

More For You:
- Become a Feminist for Life here.
- Apply for rewarding telecommuting internships—available year-round! (Can be used for school credits.) Email us to learn more.
- Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Sign up for our emails.
- Learn “Pro-Woman Answers to Pro-Choice QuestionsTM”—FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s e-series and magazine.
Success Stories and Studies:
- Our ground-breaking study of California colleges and universities
- Our ground-breaking study of Ivy League colleges and universities
- Our victory in California with AB-809
- Our recommendations for Best Practices at Colleges and Universities Serving Pregnant and Parenting Students
- FFL Speaker and Pregnancy and Parenting Resource Forum Moderator kudos
Email info@feministsforlife.org for resources, support, speakers, and moderators. Check out feministsforlife.org and womendeservebetter.com and join us via social media.