February 24, 2022
URGENT: STOP Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act NOW!!
We can NOT — we must not — stand idly by: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is preparing the Senate to vote on the House-passed H.R.3755, the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act (aka the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act) this Monday, February 28, at 5:30 p.m, as S.1975.
EVERYTHING is on the table. The stakes are this high. If abortion advocates get their way, this legislation would:
- invalidate laws to protect babies with heartbeats or who can feel pain,
- ban states from protecting unborn children by gestational age,
- let abortion practitioners decide which children are “viable,” (Seriously, how many unborn babies would they find worth saving??)
- ban states from stopping gruesome dismemberment procedures, which pull unborn children limb from limb,
- tell parents that they have no say over —or even knowledge of — if their minor daughter has an abortion,
- allow telemedicine and mail-order abortions without an in-person visit to a doctor, which would have very real health risks for women and teens,
- risk conscience protections for medical staff who do not want to participate in abortions,
- strip the states from protecting women through informed consent and waiting periods,
- and even stop laws that would prevent coerced abortions!!
Really, how can these senators tell themselves they are pro-woman or pro-child when they are OK with these terrible measures? This bill tells you everything you need to know.
We need you to pick up the phone and call your U.S. senators — especially if they are known to support abortion.
Most disturbingly, Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, the son of the great pro-life advocate Gov. Bob Casey, has signaled that, despite not co-sponsoring the bill, he will support opening debate of it. If you vote in Pennsylvania, we really need you to help flood his phones and inbox with your strongest message!
I need you… No: Teens, women, and their unborn babies NEED YOU to take a moment out of your day. Tell your Senators that “Women deserve better® than abortion. Girls deserve better® than abortion. And every baby deserves her or his life and our protection. Vote NO on the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act (S.1975). It does not protect women’s health.”
Respectfully and strongly, let them know you are a Feminist FOR Life.
To contact your senators, call the United States Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, or find them online at https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm. Tell them to OPPOSE the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 (S.1975).
Please copy us or let us know you are doing your part to stop this horrific bill from taking the lives of the next generation.
Thank you!
Because women — and girls — deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist
P.S. This may be the first time you have made a call. Perhaps you think it is a lost cause because of your senators’ past support for abortion — or take for granted they will vote pro-life. We can not take any bill for granted. Dobbs is on the line. LIFE is on the line. Please, call now.