We need your input!

January 13, 2023

We need your input!

Since the Dobbs ruling that sent abortion laws back to the states, there have been many wondering what an abortion-free America would look like. Some are using fear to invoke a bleak dystopian future where women no longer have rights.

But you and I know that isn’t true.

Feminists for Life believes that Women Deserve Better® than Abortion and we advocate for holistic, women-centered solutions on campus, in the workplace, and in our communities.

We believe in the strength of women. We never underestimate them.

That is the story we want to share in our upcoming Spring issue of The American Feminist.

And we want YOU to share your thoughts with us!

We invite you to write short stories, memories, or jot a few sentences down about any or all of these topics:

While some want women to “Shout Your Abortion” we want to shout your stories celebrating motherhood! Tell us what you overcame or what motherhood has meant to you.

Motherhood is only one aspect of strong womanhood. Tell us about the strong women in your life—teachers, confidants, friends, and mentors—how have they made you who you are today?

This issue will arrive in time for Mother’s Day—so share your thanks for your mother! Tell us what she means to you.

We also invite you to consider answering any of these questions:

  • What is the role of women in society?
  • How does ‘motherhood’ affect ‘womanhood’?
  • Who or what shaped your ideas of what a mother is?
  • How did motherhood change you?

Don’t worry, no long term-papers are needed! Please feel free to send us your ideas in just a few sentences. Let us know how you would like them attributed as well—perhaps just initials, a pseudonym, or first name and last name initial.

Email us at info@vvd.syi.mybluehost.me with your answers and stories. Please note, if your story is published, we reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.

Pass this along to others who may be interested!

Because women deserve better,

Joyce McCauley-Benner
Director of Public Education and Editor