Lack of support often coerces women into abortion. As pro-life feminists, we choose to support and empower women rather than abandon women.
A woman who is pregnant needs to know that there are perfect strangers who will care for her even if the people she counts on the most have let her down. She needs information about child support laws that prohibit coercion by the father either by physical force or by threats to withhold child support.
Universities should support marital and single parenting choices as well as adoption options.
Feminists for Life’s College Outreach Program focuses on resources—housing, child care, maternity coverage in student health care, telecommuting options, financial aid, etc.—so women aren’t forced to choose between sacrificing their education or career and sacrificing their children.
We do not eliminate poverty by eliminating poor women’s children. It is degrading to poor women to expect or imply that their children aren’t welcome. We believe that poor women deserve the same support and life-affirming alternatives as wealthy women.
A woman who is pregnant needs to know that there are pregnancy care centers she can look up online that provide direct assistance and coordinate public and private assistance. Care Net and Heartbeat International have directories she can use to find her nearest center.
Abortion is not an enriching experience. An abortion won’t get a woman a better job or get her out of a bad (for example, abusive) situation.
– FFL President, Serrin M. Foster