February 4, 2023
Where are they now? (And who’s next?)
For nearly three decades, Feminists for Life has drawn some of the most dedicated, talented, thoughtful, and just downright smart interns anyone could ask for. We wanted to heap kudos upon just a few of our recent “FFL alumni”! Read on to see: Where are they now?
- The College Fix interviewed Fall 2022 FFL intern Kathryn Pluta, who serves as Vice President of Ravens for Life at Benedictine College. Kathryn discussed her club’s successful initiative to get a parking spot for pregnant students established on her campus.
- Summer 2020 FFL intern Samantha Kamman, a graduate of North Central College, is now a reporter for The Christian Post. Late last month, Samantha interviewed FFL medical adviser Dr. Ingrid Skop about the dangers of chemical abortion.
- Summer 2020 FFL intern Elizabeth Troutman, of Hillsdale College, is currently an intern and writer for The Daily Signal. Check out her article about Planned Parenthood’s recent legal defeat in Florida. She has also been published in The Federalist, including this excellent overview of how abortion advocates hijacked the feminist movement.
- Summer 2020 FFL intern Chloe Folmar, who has since graduated from the College of William & Mary, was recently a writer for The Hill.
You can also read scores of articles by our interns, past and present, at our helpsite, WomenDeserveBetter.com! You can see them here among our Contributors, Experts, and Voices.
If you interned with FFL, we want to hear from you. What are you up to? Shoot us an email with your latest news!
Finally, it’s that time again: We need capable, passionate, pro-woman, pro-life interns and volunteers. Read here for instructions and to see if this might be the right fit for you — and us.
Whether you are a high schooler, collegian, or recent graduate, we want to hear from you! And if your daughter or son might wish to intern with us, please don’t hesitate to pass along this email to her or him. Thank you!
Because women — and girls — deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster
Feminists for Life of America
Women Deserve Better
& The American Feminist