June 19, 1865 marked the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas, the final and most geographically remote of the former Confederate states to surrender and free its slaves. Frederick Douglass, who was himself born into slavery and fled bondage, was a fierce abolitionist, as well as a suffragist, allying with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and signing the Declaration of Sentiments at the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention.

As feminists, we are daughters and sons of abolitionists.
Once again, Feminists for Life remembers this day, now called Juneteenth, remembering our pro-life feminist foremothers’ cherished dream of suffrage was born from their fierce support of abolition: Eight years prior to Seneca Falls, the white men who ran the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London forbade women from speaking. Outraged at their exclusion, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott planned the event at Seneca Falls, and from then on, the struggle for equality of the races and the sexes was inextricably linked.

In commemoration of this day, we want to share with you “Teaching About Race — from the Inside Out,” by Yaki Cahoon, who reflected on her experience as the matriarch of a mixed-race family. We are so grateful for Yaki’s voice, and we welcome yours, too.
We celebrate 155 years since the end of slavery and will soon do the same for 100 years of women having the right to vote. We also know that we can only achieve the promise of liberty and justice for all together, regardless of race, religion, sex, size, age, disability, or parentage — born or unborn.
Happy Juneteenth! March forth.
Because women deserve better,
Serrin M. Foster, President of Feminists for Life of America, Editor-in-Chief Women Deserve Better & The American Feminist
P.S. If you check your 2020 Centennial Celebration calendars, note that Juneteenth has already been marked for you! If you do not have our once-in-a-century calendar, they are on sale. Order yours today!